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In Save the Planet: Protecting Our Natural Resources, author Rebecca E. Hirsch explores environmentalism from a scientific perspective, covering a range of topics from climate change to ecosystems. Hirsch begins by outlining the importance of preserving our environment and resources to ensure a sustainable future. She then explains how our current practices are damaging the planet and suggests actions we can take to mitigate our impact.Hirsch outlines a number of strategies the reader can implement to reduce their individual carbon footprint, such as energy conservation and switching to a vegan or vegetarian diet. She also explores renewable energy sources and advocates for stronger governmental policies to increase their usage.Hirsch highlights the importance of education, public awareness campaigns, and scientific research in furthering environmental protection. She also devotes a section to what she calls “ecological economics,” which is a combination of both environmental and economic policies that foster environmental protection. Save the Planet is written in an accessible manner for anyone who is interested in learning more about the planet’s current condition and potential solutions. Hirsch’s engaging writing style and her clear, relevant examples provide readers with a comprehensive introduction to environmentalism and its associated concepts. This book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to better understand how to protect the planet and its resources. Save the Planet: Protecting our Natural Resources, by Rebecca E. Hirsch, is an engaging, informative and inspiring book that explores how everyday people can help protect our natural resources and safeguard our planet’s future. Hirsch’s compelling exploration of the human relationship to the environment highlights the various ways that each of us can contribute to creating a better, more sustainable and prosperous future.The book is packed with practical advice for how we can be more responsible stewards of the natural world, and includes chapters detailing ways that individuals, organizations and businesses can all make a difference. Hirsch emphasizes the importance of protecting the environment and the health benefits of doing so. One particularly compelling chapter focuses on the benefits of eating more sustainable and local foods, while using less energy when preparing meals.Hirsch’s easy-to-digest language and engaging writing style make the book accessible to audiences of all ages and knowledge bases. This book is also a great resource for students and teachers, as it includes many activities, case studies and worksheets that can be used to explore complex environmental issues in a hands-on way.Save the Planet: Protecting our Natural Resources is an engaging call to action for anyone interested in making a difference and inspiring positive change for the future. Hirsch’s comprehensive and motivational exploration of the importance of protecting our planet should be on the reading list of all those looking to take a proactive stance on preserving our natural resources and promoting sustainable solutions. Save the Planet: Protecting Our Natural Resources by Rebecca E. Hirsch is a comprehensive guide to the environmental challenges facing our planet, and offers practical strategies to conserve and protect our natural resources.From the oceans to the skies, Hirsch covers a range of environmental issues, including how our actions as individuals and a society affect the land we live on and the air, water, and wildlife we depend on. Through simple explanations, vivid photographs, and facts about recycling, water conservation, and air quality, readers are encouraged to make informed decisions about their environment and their lifestyles to best preserve our planet for future generations.In addition to exploring the effects of human activities, Hirsch examines the broader themes of the outdoors and sustainability. She introduces the concepts of renewable energy sources, provides tips for reducing resource consumption, and explains the value of investing in green infrastructures. With each chapter, readers will become better informed about their impact on the planet and the importance of taking action now to build a better future.In a time when climate change is top of mind, Save the Planet offers a much needed approach to helping us take responsibility for our actions to both protect and preserve the earth and its resources. By providing the necessary tools, skills and information, Hirsch motivates and empowers readers to actively participate in saving the planet. The book is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to make a actionable and positive impact on the environment. El Gobierno Corporativo de las Entidades Bancarias, de José María López Jiménez y Rafael Perea Ortega, es una guía imprescindible para los directivos y tomadores de decisiones bancarias. El libro analiza los mecanismos organizativos y de control necesarios para implementar un marco de gobierno corporativo óptimo en los bancos. Establece, además, los cimientos del buen gobierno corporativo y su aplicación práctica, especialmente en el contexto de los entes reguladores europeos, así como en la normativa y la regulación internacional y nacional. El libro también destaca la importancia de los asuntos no financieros y del riesgo y la dirección de estos temas.El e-book de El Gobierno Corporativo de las Entidades Bancarias es una versión digital del libro que contiene todos los contenidos del libro impreso. Los contenidos del e-book incluyen un análisis pormenorizado de las regulaciones bancarias internacionales, nacionales y europeas, así como prácticas de gobierno corporativo de recomendadas, además de consejos prácticos para el buen gobierno corporativo. El e-book también se enfoca en las prácticas y principios de gobierno corporativo exigidos por las entidades regulatoras tanto europeas como internacionales, como el Banco de Pagos Internacionales. Además, se sugieren ejemplos prácticos de directivas de gobierno corporativo que deberían ser implementadas en los bancos.En conclusión, el libro El Gobierno Corporativo de las Entidades Bancarias, junto con su e-book, son una guía esencial para los directivos y tomadores de decisiones bancarias. Estos recursos proveen un análisis profundo de las regulaciones bancarias europeas, internacionales y nacionales, así como recomendaciones y consejos prácticos para el buen gobierno corporativo.


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